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Paula Farrar



Ms. Paula Farrar is a Registered Nurse with over 10 years of work experience in different environments like homecare and hospital care.

Over the last 10 years, Ms. Farrar has served as a part of the Quality Management team, as a Quality Coordinator escalating to head of the department. She has developed vast knowledge in Process Improvement, Infection Control, Policies and Procedures, Quality indicators and Education for staff.

Coordinated and developed projects for several Joint Commission International Mock Surveys and Triennial Surveys while working at Hospital Cima, leading the organization to successfully obtain the accreditation each time. Ms. Farrar is aware of the importance and strategies of creating and maintaining solid clinical and non-clinical processes based on a culture of safety.

Professional Experience

  • Head of Quality and Patient Safety, Hospital CIMA, San Jose, Costa Rica
  • Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator, Hospital CIMA, San Jose Costa Rica
  • Masters Degree, Professor, Universidad de Ciencias Económicas, Managua, Nicaragua
  • Homecare Nurse, Independent, San Jose, Costa Rica
  • Occupational Healthcare Nurse, Servisalud, San Jose, Costa Rica 


  • Masters in Quality Management, Instituto Centroamericano de Administración Pública, San Jose, Costa Rica
  • Bachelors in Nursing, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica